Universal remote control codes For XENON TVs

remote codes for xenon tvs

XENON TV Universal remote control codes - 3 Digit, 4 Digit and 5 digit codes

Use below xenon tv codes to program universal remote control to operate xenon tv.


 Universal remote programming instruction for Xenon TV

Make sure to hookup and power on all the xenon tv or other device you want to setup using xenon universal remote codes. next, make sure the batteries are working in universal remote. Note down the xenon universal remote codes from the list provided. Nothing is more frustrating to find out that you have not hookedup or universal remote battries are bad after spending your evening on trying to program xenon universal remote. 

Step 1

Turn on the TV.

Step 2

Press and hold the TV and SEL buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. The button will light.

Step 3

With the button lit, point the remote at the TV and enter the TV’s 3, 4, or 5 digit code.

Step 4

Verify by pressing the VOLUME + button. This should turn the TV VOLUME up.

Step 5

Press the TV button to store the 3, 4, or 5 digit code. The button will blink twice to confirm the code is stored.


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